Major Chakras or Energy Centers are actually major acupuncture points. Chakras are very important parts of the energy body. The chakras in human body correspond to various organs and glands of the body based on their positions. Chakras serve as entry points for life energy or PRANA into your body.The major chakras not only control and energize the vital organs of the body but also control and affect a person’s psychological and spiritual conditions. Just as the visible physical body has vital and minor organs, the energy body has major, minor and mini chakras. The imbalances in the chakral condition creates the issues in the physical body. Get a session and realign your chakras for better physical, emotional, mental health.
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- Serene Spheres Pranic Healing Centre, Amritsar
- Location- 43-B, First Floor, Ranjit Avenue, Amritsar,
- +917508539496
- +919041116568