Whether you are the Founder or CEO of the company , there can be blockages at many levels which is stopping the Financial Growth of your company. In Business Healing we work on removing prosperity blocks from your aura & chakras. Remove blockages from your business which is also an energy entity and help your business achieve the highest potential. Sessions combine healing sessions, Feng Shui tips, Business Healing sessions, space clearing, Counseling, Energetic tips to boost performance and much more.What makes energy healing so useful for entrepreneurs?Essentially, our cells are consciousness. Every experience you’ve ever been through, every belief or feeling you have about life, is held in the cells of your body. You can put up a website, blog regularly, offer your services, design and promote your info products, try to sell live events, but if you’re not aligned with what you’re offering, or if you have self doubts or misconceptions about your work life, it will show up in your business. Your business is a reflection of the energetic condition of your life. Clear, charge and balance your energy, and your whole business will shift. This will have an impact in your overall life as well.

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